Our mission is to bring the love of God to every child and adult, and to meet their need - in a practical way.
Who we are?
We are a non-profit association, financed by ourselves - our members and our friends. Our regular expences includes travel costs to Roma settlements, help to Roma families in food, etc.
Pruži mi ruku is a non-profit association based in Croatia. It has been present since 2000 - providing help, love and care to Roma minority in northern Croatia region Medjimurje. Over the years we have learned that often a simple smile can brighten someone's day, one encouraging word can build confidence in an insecure child, and that one prayer can change one's life. We are driven by the motto that we should give what we have received, which is primarily the love of God. We also believe that it is not enough to just have good intentions but to act. That is why in the last few years we have:
visited three Roma settlements and distributed over 2000 Christmas presents to children
helped many families build their homes and buy cars
educated in Zagreb more than 10 children from Roma settlements
fostered more than 15 Roma children who lived in families that could not adequately care for them
organized winter and summer camps for hundreds of children, young people and their parents
Helped children write homework and learn math
bought countless shoes and boots, jackets, T-shirts, swimwear, guitars, drums for children and youth
helped poor families in need
and so on and so forth.
Finance & Investing
At Pruži mi ruku, we care about what we do and strive to empower the lives of youth in Roma settlements through our wide range of programs. We help shape Roma youth into young leaders of the future so they walk out of our doors prepared to take on whatever comes their way. Some of our activities include:
educational workshops - music, communication, etc.
family support - financial, psihological, etc.
Christmass presents - new present for every child
finding a job support - writing cv's etc.
fostering those in need - fostering Roma children and helping them to overcome their challenges and problems
And so on...
'I assure you that when you haven't done it for one of the least of these, you haven't done it for me.'"
Matthew 25:44-45
Contact us:
Udruga volontera "Pruži mi ruku"
Horvaćanska cesta 27
10 000 Zagreb
Mail: druga@pruzi-mi-ruku.hr
Tel: +385 915007716
OIB: 00778329444
IBAN: HR8823400091110098946