"Give and it will be given to you."
Luke 6:38
Quality, not quantity
Our motto is "It is more blessed to give than to recieve". Over the years we have given not only money and time to these people, but also our love and affection. Most of the activities we funded by ourselves, which we continue to do. But if you believe in our motto and want to help, there are many opportunities: we need funds for travel costs, since we travel every Saturday 200 kilometers to visit Roma settlement. We need funds for summer and winter camps; funds for families who fostered kids from villages etc. If you decide to help us, you can name the purpose of your donation or you can donate without special purpose. Be free to contact us and we will get back to you with information where your funds were spent. Donate today, and make a world of difference in a child’s life.
Contact us:
Udruga volontera "Pruži mi ruku"
Horvaćanska cesta 27
10 000 Zagreb
Mail: druga@pruzi-mi-ruku.hr
Tel: +385 915007716
OIB: 00778329444
IBAN: HR8823400091110098946